Perceived necessities of pediatric hospitalized patients

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Francy Cantor Cruz
Hannie Jhuliana Niño Vargas
María Ligia Cifuentes Álvarez
Sandra Patricia Zorro Ceron
Nancy Yomayusa Gonzalez


Introduction: Hospitalization is a situation that children can experience as negative, intimidating, or adverse, contributing to the appearance of needs that may go unnoticed during medical care and are more evident in extended hospital stays. Objective: To describe the experience in identifying and addressing hospitalized children's perceived needs, using a play-based strategy during 2018, in three clinics in Bogotá. Methods: A mixed-methods study was carried out, with retrospective data analysis on the care medical records carried out in 2018. The selection of patients was consecutive and convenient. For identifying the children's necessities, structured interviews were carried out, and a psycho-pedagogical strategy based on the play was implemented. Results: Pediatric hospitalized patients, regardless of their age or admission pathology, present during the first three weeks of hospitalization needs related to mood and interaction with the caregiver. Caregivers also present needs related to the management of uncertainty due to the child's diagnosis and prognosis, the interruption in family dynamics and functioning, and concerns about medical care, psychosocial and educational aspects of the children during their stay in the hospital Conclusions: Educational strategies based on play are a valuable resource with which service-providing institutions could improve the experience of children requiring hospitalization and their caregivers.


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How to Cite
Cantor Cruz, F., Niño Vargas, H. J., Cifuentes Álvarez, M. L., Zorro Ceron, S. P., & Yomayusa Gonzalez, N. (2020). Perceived necessities of pediatric hospitalized patients. Pediatría, 53(2), 64–71.
Author Biographies

Francy Cantor Cruz, Centro Iberoamericano de investigación en salutogenesis y bienestar, Instituto Global de Excelencia Clínica, Keralty. Bogotá, Colombia.

Psychologist, Msc (c) Clinical Epidemiology

Hannie Jhuliana Niño Vargas, Clinica Colsanitas, Keralty. Bogotá, Colombia.

Bachelor of Special Education, Msc Education

María Ligia Cifuentes Álvarez, Clinica Colsanitas, Keralty. Bogotá, Colombia.

Bachelor in Psychopedagogy

Sandra Patricia Zorro Ceron, Clinica Colsanitas, Keralty. Bogotá, Colombia.

Psychologist, Specialist in Health Psychology

Nancy Yomayusa Gonzalez, Grupo de Medicina Traslacional. Instituto Global de Excelencia Clínica. Clínica Colsanitas, Keralty. Bogotá, Colombia.

MD. Specialist in Internal Medicine and Nephrology


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