Article Selection Evaluation: The process starts with a thorough review by the Editor, who evaluates the content before sending the manuscript to peers. Usually, this results in requests for corrections from the authors.


Assignment of Peer Evaluators: Following the Editor's guidance, articles are selected for a double-blind evaluation by at least two external peers from specialists in the relevant field of study. The selected referees will be external to the authors' institution and, in most cases, from an international background. The evaluation process will be confidential, with no personal information shared, and electronic manuscripts will be stripped of identifying details.


Review Time: Reviewers are given four weeks to accept the review and four more weeks to provide feedback. In total, the evaluation process lasts at least two months. An extra two weeks may be needed to find appropriate reviewers, depending on the topic.


Evaluation: Reviewers who agree to conduct the review receive the complete article, an evaluation guide, and a form tailored to the article type. Reviewers are welcome to submit suggestions, comments, or improvements. Generally, the evaluations cover all sections of the article.


Feedback: After receiving peer evaluations, the journal communicates with the authors, offering detailed and constructive feedback from the reviewers, regardless of acceptance status. Authors are advised to consider and implement the suggested modifications or recommendations to enhance the quality of their work.


Conflict Resolution: The Editor may opt for a third evaluation in case of conflicting assessments.


Editorial Decision: Upon collecting evaluations, the Editor informs the author of the final decision, including acceptance with or without modifications, requiring reevaluation, or outright rejection. Authors must submit a revised version within 15 business days if changes are requested. The Editor then makes the publishing decision based on the revised article, notifying the author of the publication date.