Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • nformation for each author: Register on the platform all the first and last names, complete institutional affiliation, primary email, city, country, and phone number of the corresponding author.
  • Authors information: Names, surnames, complete institutional affiliation. Email, city, country,and telephone number of the main author.
  • Abstracts: All manuscripts (except correspondence) must contain a summary or abstract of no more than 250 words. Instructions for preparing the structured abstract for each type of article are presented in the Instructions to authors section. Following the summary and on the same page, five keywords must be included that will be used to construct the annual index. DeCS - Descriptors in Health Sciences must be used.
  • Manuscripts: All manuscripts should be prepared using a word processor, preferably Windows® Word® typed without columns. All margins must be 2.5 cm (1 inch), and double spacing must be used throughout the manuscript, including the title page, abstract, text, acknowledgments, references, individual tables, figures, and figure legends. Use two double spaces after the title, headings, and paragraphs. All pages should be numbered sequentially in the upper right corner, with the title page corresponding to number 1. The font should be Times New Roman 12 or Arial 12. The electronic file containing the manuscript should be named with the first six words from the manuscript title.
  • Images: It is essential that figures, photographs, and any type of image are sent in JPG or TIFF format in high resolution to ensure a good final print (minimum 300 px). If professionally drawn figures or photographs are used, they must be converted to these formats for submission with the manuscript via email.

Pediatrics Journal publishes original research articles, review articles, case reports, essays, and communications to the editor. Articles should deal with topics of interest in pediatrics. Priority will be given to the publication of original research papers.

Pediatrics Journal will only consider articles that have not been previously published, either in part or in full, and that is not simultaneously under evaluation in other journals. It does not prevent article submission already rejected by other journals or the full reporting of research that has been previously presented at scientific conferences (orally or by posters) and of which a summary has been published. In the letter accompanying the manuscript to the author, you must make this point explicit.

General considerations

Authors who submit an article Pediatrics Journal must take into account the following aspects:

  1. The manuscript must be prepared according to these instructions.
  2. The manuscript should only be submitted through the journal Pediatrics submission system.
  3. Any manuscript submitted by a different means will not be considered.
  4. Any manuscript that does not attach all the documents described will not be considered. It is suggested that authors use the checklist for preparing submissions.
  5. If the study submitted is a clinical experiment, it should be noted that the authors must attach the protocol registration number of their trial in a register of clinical experiments.
  6. The reception of a manuscript does not imply an obligation for its acceptance or a commitment regarding the publication date.
  7. The authors should keep copies of all submitted material. The Magazine does not assume responsibility for lost material or documents during the revision or publication process. No material will be returned to the authors.

For full details see: Instructions to authors