Description of mobile applications related to bullying and cyberbullying prevention, management, and promotion in Colombia

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Bullying and cyberbullying involve aggressive behaviors or intentional and repetitive intimidation that creates a power imbalance. Colombia is one of the countries in Latin America with the highest incidence of this problem. It has a great availability of mobile apps and computer platforms directed toward bullying education and management. Therefore, this article intends to determine the positive impact of mobile apps against bullying and cyberbullying available on Colombia's Play Store® and App Store® platforms. Among the objective of the analyzed apps, five were for bullying prevention and management, three only for prevention, and the other three were for promoting bullying. According to their modality, four were informative, three offered assistance, two showed reporting systems, and four were games. The two most downloaded apps were games promoting bullying. The informative, assistance and report apps for bullying and cyberbullying in Colombia could be established in academic institutions because their efficiency has been validated throughout the current literature. However, the games promoting bullying and having the highest downloads should be regulated according to Colombian legislation. Informative, assistance and report apps are recommended for bullying and cyberbullying in Colombia.


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español, E., español, español, español, español, español, español, español, español, español, español, … español, español. (2022). Description of mobile applications related to bullying and cyberbullying prevention, management, and promotion in Colombia. Pediatría, 55(1), 24–29.


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Ley 1554 de 2012, Congreso de Colombia.

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