Association between sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of pregnant women with gestational syphilis and newborns with congenital syphilis, a cross-sectional study.

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Maria Isabel Ossa García
Sara Carolina Navarro Salgado


Background: Congenital syphilis is considered a public health problem due to its direct impact on the population; if left undetected, it could lead to multiple complications.

Objective: Establish the relationship between the clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of mothers with gestational syphilis and the diagnosis of congenital syphilis based on a review of records from the Municipality of Armenia, Quindío, from 2016 to 2021.

Methodology: an analytical cross-sectional study was carried out that included all the records of the epidemiological surveillance database in public health of the municipality of Armenia; records that had more than 10 % missing data were discarded. The presence or absence of congenital syphilis in newborns was analyzed through bivariate analysis to establish the association of the independent versus dependent variables and, subsequently, a multivariate analysis. The qualitative variables are presented as proportions, and the quantitative variables are through central tendency and dispersion measures. The department of Quindío uses the clinical practice guideline of the Ministry of Health from 2014 for the diagnosis, approach, and treatment of gestational and congenital syphilis. In 2022, as reported in the epidemiological bulletin of week 35 by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the department of Quindío exceeded the national incidence in cases of congenital syphilis with an incidence rate of 3.3 per 1000 live births, the department of Quindío exceeded the national incidence in cases of congenital syphilis.

 Results: A binary logistic regression model was carried out, the variables entered into the model found that, when present in the maternal population, they explain the 28.2% probability of developing congenital syphilis.

Conclusions: according to the results of this study, there is a weak association between the sociodemographic variables of pregnant women. However, according to the diagnosis, the clinical variables may have an association, as expected.


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Ossa García, M. I., & Navarro Salgado, S. C. (2023). Association between sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of pregnant women with gestational syphilis and newborns with congenital syphilis, a cross-sectional study. Pediatría, 56(3), e444.


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