PEDIATRÍA journal, founded in October 1941, is the official organ of the Colombian Society of Pediatrics. Its mission is to disseminate the results of research, topic reviews, analysis, and reports on topics related to child and adolescent health. Accepts and publish articles on pediatrics, childcare, public health, social medicine, and other areas of interest for the health of girls, boys, and adolescents. The target audience is all health professionals and related areas. Its short title is PEDIATRICS, and its ISSN is 0120-4912, e-ISSN: 2444-9369. Both the instructions and the publication policies comply with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals published by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. The journal publishes articles of interest in pediatrics in the modalities of research articles, review articles, reflection articles, case reports, essays, and communications to the editor. The journal prioritizes the publication of original research articles. The journal includes only articles not previously published, either in part or in full. However, it does not preclude the manuscript submission of papers rejected by other journals or the full reporting of research presented at scientific meetings (orally or posters). In the letter accompanying the manuscript, the author must make this point explicit.

Vol. 57 No. 3 (2024): Volumen 57 issue 3. july - september 2024

Published: 2025-01-28

Guidance algorithm for early diagnosis of SMA 5q 1-3 in Colombia: Modified Delphi Panel

Fernando Suarez Obando, Alvaro Hernando Izquierdo Bello, Juan Carlos Prieto Rivera , Fernando Ortiz, Melissa Diaz, Kevin Maldonado, Carolina Baquero, Edna Julieth Bobadilla, Sandra Milena Castellar, Edicson Ruiz, Sandra Catalina Mesa, Fabián Hernández BPharm



Report of poisonings in pediatric age in the media in Colombia during the period 2011-2022

Diemer Muñoz Verbel, Rita Campo Jiménez, Eutimio Cueto Almeida, Juan Barrios Verbel, Elías Romero Cueto, Jorge Mendoza Galiz, Johana Marquez Lazaro



Case-control study: Association between gestational infections and the development of congenital abnormalities in newborns from hospitals in the city of Bogotá, during the period 2001-2018

Stefania López-Escrucería, Sebastián Saldaña-Franco, Ithzayana Madariaga Perpiñán, Diana Cristina Patiño-Cuervo, Maria Camila León-Sanabria, Diego Rosselli, Ignacio Zarante, Gloria Milena Gracia-Charry



Colombian Academic Consensus on Breastfeeding Impact Practices

Nancy Bernal, Carlos Timossi, Maria Mercedes Pulido, Maria Isabel Uscher, Luz Stella Hidalgo, Carolina Gómez, María Emilia Contreras



Multifocal pyomyositis associated with hip subluxation in a pediatric patient: a case Report

Maria Camila Perez Vanegas, Maira Jimenez Claros , Johan Sebastian Ramos Marin , Angie Carolina Perez Vanegas , Luis Antonio Galvis



Tuberculosis in pediatrics: case report

Alejandra Villa Bustamante, Laura Beatriz Rojas Londoño, Nicolás Garzón Martínez


DOI: 2.471

CLOVES syndrome, learning the typical from the atypical. Case report

juan pablo gualdron , Ana María García Suárez , Mariela de Jesús Alfaro Castro, Fiorella minelis Ibañez blanco, Irina Suley tirado Perez


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PEDIATRIA Journal, of the Colombian Society of Pediatrics, founded in October 1941 is considered the official communication organ of the Society, according to its statutes and its mission, which is the spreading of knowledge and research results, generated by pediatricians in the territory of Colombia, through the publishing of articles of social and scientific character, that are considered appropriate for the community. It is published tri-monthly and presents articles that are the result of research in pediatrics, as well as topics related to the specialty, such as social medicine, regulation related to infants and public health. The target audience is health professionals in general, and other professionals whose job may be related. Its short name is PEDIATRIA and its ISSN 0120-4912.
